Dog Walk Spotlight – Fagan Park, NSW, Australia
Fagan Park is an undiscovered gem in the NSW hinterlands. You can find Fagan Park in the rural suburb of Galston. Featuring rolling hills set amidst a forested backdrop, Fagan Park is a wonderful place to walk your dog.
How to Groom Your Dog: A Guide for Pet Owners
Goldie, our gorgeous red cocker spaniel, has a coat which grows super-quickly. We groom Goldie ourselves every 2 to 3 months. Let me tell you how we do it.
Potty Training our Dog to use an Indoor Dog Toilet
We trained Goldie to use the indoor potty by a process of positive reinforcement. At the beginning, we would routinely guide her to the potty with her on a leash and encourage her with the words "Potty" and "Good girl!".
How to Deal With Hip Issues in Older Dogs – Try Doggy Steps
In the past, Goldie used to be able to jump pretty high—over a meter! Nowadays, she struggles to jump up onto the bed or onto the sofa. Anyway, we thought we'd get Goldie a set of steps to see if they would help her.
Preventing Dreaded Paralysis Ticks in your Dog
“It’s a paralysis tick,” she says.
I feel sick. The worst runs through my mind. To me, a paralysis tick is a death sentence for a dog. What I saw wasn’t cartilage. It was a vile, nasty fat tick, that had been gorging on Goldie’s blood, and injecting poison into her system! Goldie had been trying to frantically scratch the tick off her ear!
The 5 Most Loved Dog Breeds Around the World
From iconic favorites to rising stars, let's take a closer look at the top five most popular dog breeds of the year, based on trends and tales from the global dog-loving community.
How to Safely Trim Your Dog’s Nails: A Step-by-Step Guide
Keeping your dog's nails trimmed is an essential part of their grooming routine. With the right approach and technique, it can be a straightforward and stress-free process.